
Publications Guidelines

Publications Guidelines

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"All EPP/MSI CSC award recipients are required to submit the final pre-publication manuscripts of scholarly articles produced entirely or primarily with NOAA funding, to NOAA Institutional Repository after acceptance, and no later than upon publication. 
Such manuscripts shall be made publicly available by NOAA one (1) year after publication by the journal".

The guidelines below were established to safeguard that all CESSRST sponsored personnel (faculty, scientists, and postdoctoral fellows, undergraduate and graduate students) include in any scholarly publication and/or presentation the proper text indicating affiliation to CESSRST, in addition to including in the Grant Award No. in the Acknowledgement and/or Funding sections. Furthermore, CESSRST is committed to promoting publication in mainstream journals by faculty and students. To these ends, CESSRST faculty are requested to follow the guidelines below.

  1. The Principal Investigator (PI), usually the proposal author, could take first authorship when he has formulated the hypothesis and research procedure and has contributed substantially to writing; especially regarding the introduction (background and statement of the problem), discussion, and relevance of the results
  2. The PI is strongly encouraged to list M.Sc. and Ph.D. students as the First Author when the research is the results of student theses or dissertations
  3. In the above cases, the PI is also encouraged to assume the last author or anchor position
  4. First Authors and/or Principal Investigators are encouraged to include as authors all students with substantive contributions to the work. While the simple operation of instrumentation may not be enough to qualify, those operating sophisticated instrumentation requiring special skills or laborious calibration procedures should qualify. Likewise, students producing graphical or textual material contributing to the results and/or discussion of the publication should be considered for authorship
  5. Other than First and Last Authors, the order of authorship is determined by the importance of the contribution of the author in question
  7. For Students: All students must include their affiliation for presentations:

    NOAA EPP Earth System Sciences and Remote Sensing Scholar

    Example 1:  John Doe 1,2

    1-NOAA EPP Earth System Sciences and Remote Sensing Scholar

    2- The City College of New York

    Faculty/Scientist: must include NOAA CESSRST as part of their affiliation:

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration – Cooperative Science Center for Earth System Sciences and Remote Sensing Technologies


    NOAA – Cooperative Science Center for Earth System Sciences and Remote Sensing Technologies

    Example 2:  John Doe  1,2, Jane Doe1,3

    1-National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration – Cooperative Science Center for Earth System Sciences and Remote Sensing Technologies

    2-University of Maryland, Baltimore County

    3-The City College of New York

  8. If the publication was fully supported by CESSRST, acknowledgment is required using the text below:
  9. This publication was supported through NOAA Educational Partnership Program/Minority-Serving Institutions award number NA16SEC4810008 to the Center for Earth System Sciences and Remote Sensing Technologies. Contents are solely the responsibility of the author(s) and may not represent official views of NOAA or the U.S. Department of Commerce.

    if  not, the abbreviated text shall be of the form:

    AB, CD, and EF acknowledge support from NOAA Educational Partnership Program/Minority-Serving Institutions award number NA16SEC4810008

    Where AB, CD, and EF are author initials

The goals of these guidelines are to promote publication by students, to maximize CESSRST publication listing in the NOAA Library, and to ensure adherence of CESSRT researchers to ethical standards. These guidelines have been extracted, and adapted to CESSRST needs, from the web pages listed below and publications therein referenced. CESSRST researchers are encouraged to consult these references when in doubt.



