
NERTO Students

Stephany Paredes-Mesa

Stephany Paredes-Mesa
M.E, Civil Engineering, Graduate, 09/01/2018

Internship Location: College Park, MD

Internship Date: Summer 2018


Paredes-Mesa earned a Bachelor’s in Earth System Science and Environmental Engineering from The City College of New York. Her research experience includes studying air pollution monitoring and oil spill remediation. She was an intern at the NYC Department of Environmental Protection as an Environmental Engineer as part of the Water for the Future program in the Bureau of Engineering, Design and Construction.

NERTO Research Project Title:

Intercomparison of Satellite Derived Snowcover Products

NERTO Project Details :

NERTO Synopsis: NOAA/NESDIS generates snow cover products from a variety of satellite platforms and missions. Depending on the attributes of the sensor and also the retrieval algorithm, the results can vary, especially over "challenging" surface types such as densely forested and high altitude regions, to name a few.

In this project, various satellite products on daily time scales will be compared with various reference sources, including insitu and an interactive snow cover product known as IMS - Interactive Multi-sensor snow and ice mapping systems.

NERTO Outcomes:

From my NERTO experience I was able to finish the comparison of MIRS and MSPPS microwave snow cover products and determine the percentage of error that terrain has on their reading. Furthermore, this experience help me program better using MATLAB. Also, I was able to learn the fundamental of other programming languages.

Value of NERTO to the Line Office:

Results of this research helped NESDIS improve snow cover products from a variety of satellite platforms and missions.

NERTO Skills:

Yes. I learn some computer programming through JPSS classes. I was able to familiarized with LINUX which helped me process data faster in the terminal. I perfected my MATLAB skills.