
NERTO Students

Anna Vaculik

Anna Vaculik
M.S, Geology, Graduate, 05/29/2019

Internship Location: College Park, MD

Internship Date: Summer 2018


Vaculik earned her undergraduate degree in Geology and Geography from Mount Holyoke College. Her research interests were in remote sensing, remediation efforts, and STEM outreach.

NERTO Research Project Title:

Downscaling GOES-R LST Product Urban Regions for CSC Students

NERTO Project Details :

The primary goal of this research is to improve and further develop the NOAA GOES-16 satellite products for land surface temperatures for urban areas, and eventually increase the accuracy of weather prediction models for metropolitan areas.

NERTO Outcomes:

Oral Presentation at the AMS International Conference on Urban Climate hosted by CCNY on August 6.

Value of NERTO to the Line Office:

NESDIS gained information on how the NOAA GOES-16 Land surface temperature product performs over urban and non-urban areas. Downscaling the land surface temperature measurements to urban areas ill improve weather prediction models and the accuracy of urban head island studies in cities.

NERTO Skills:

I became more confident in my work with Matlab and QGIS.