
NERTO Students

Adrian Peña

Adrian Peña
M.S, Earth Systems & Environmental Engineering, Graduate, 06/05/2020

Internship Location: ESRL/NOAA Boulder

Internship Date: Summer 2019


Peña holds a Bachelor’s degree in Environmental Engineering from The City College of New York. He was an intern at The City University of New York’s Building Performance Lab where he worked on the Energy Survey Tool.

NERTO Research Project Title:

Regional evaluation of HRRR forecast precipitation using New York City in-situ station data for EPP CSC student

NERTO Project Details :

The uncertainties associated with rainfall estimates comprise various measurement scales: from local-scale rain gauges and ground-based radars to larger-scale satellite rainfall retrievals, many other challenges exist within precipitation forecast uncertainties, particularly at small scales.A new network (NY-uHMT) of 20 autonomous weather stations offers measurements of air temperature, relative humidity, precipitation, and soil moisture at 15-minute intervals. These high-resolution (in space and time) observations at the urban-scale can serve as new evaluation points for high-resolution numerical weather prediction models, the most operationally-relevant of which being NOAA’s High-Resolution Rapid Refresh (HRRR) model.

NERTO Outcomes:

I have worked towards my specific research in studying the intra-urban variability of weather parameters in NYC. I learned how to navigate in do basic shell scripting in the Linux environment. I learned how to operate and collaborate within a NOAA line office.

Value of NERTO to the Line Office:

I provided the HMA team with

NERTO Skills:

My computer programming skills improved and I learned how to evaluate forecasting models using point observations using current statistical methods, metrics, and software.