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2018 NOAA CESSRST Summer Bridge Program

Posted on July 27, 2018

2018 NOAA CESSRST Summer Bridge Program

Participants in the 2018 Summer Programs and Staff
Participants include the students from the NOAA CESSRST Summer Bridge Program and the NSF Research Experience for Undergraduates Students.

Sixteen students joined the 2018 Summer Bridge program offered by NOAA Center for Earth System Sciences and Remote Sensing Technologies.

Summer Bridge is a paid, eight-week internship program that provides hands-on research and training to undergraduate students interested in earth system sciences and engineering. The program is offered at all of the Center’s campuses: The City University of New York (CUNY), Hampton University (VA), San Diego State University (CA), University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez (PR), University of Maryland Baltimore County (MD), and the University of Texas at El Paso (TX). Each campus hosts 2-4 students.

The students in the 2018 class go through the same program structure across campuses. In the first two weeks, they attend accelerated courses in Remote Sensing, Geographic Information Systems (GIS), and MATLAB. They then apply their new knowledge to a research project of their choice. Projects are selected from one the Center’s three research themes: Coastal Resilience; Atmospheric Hazards; and Water Prediction and Ecosystem Services. This year’s options for students at the CUNY, for example, included Vineyards and Remote Sensing, Is the Weather Getting Weirder: A Physical and Statistical Study of Trends in Weather Variability, and Interchanging Extremes of Floods and Droughts.

The program is much more than just short courses and research. There are field trips to local institutions. For example, the students at Hampton University visited National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s Langley Research Center. Participants also benefit from access to seminars and other campus activities that enhance their exposure to science in action. The program ends with a Research Symposium where the student share their research and results.

Following their time in Summer Bridge, participants are encouraged to apply for the NOAA CESSRST Undergraduate Fellowship. The fellowship supports them in the last two years of their undergraduate studies.

Visit https://legacy2016.cessrst.org/education/education to learn more about the Summer Bridge Program.

Learn more about the Center’s Fellowships at https://legacy2016.cessrst.org/education.

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