

Michael Trunkhill

Michael Trunkhill

Cohort I, NERTO, Masters

M.S, Ecology, Graduate

The project involved conducting air-sea CO2 measurements in pre-selected bays on the island of Tutuila, American Samoa. Using a NOAA research vessel and a headspace equilibrator the student took CO2 samples from water columns in and around coral reef ecosystems and the air above these systems to calculate flux measurements. Using an YSI sonde the student took pH, salinity, and dissolved oxygen measurements. The student also assisted NOAA biologist Mareike Sudek in estimating coral reef health in these same bays.

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CESSRST is led by The City University of New York and brings together Hampton University, VA; University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez, PR; San Diego State University, CA; University of Maryland Baltimore County, MD; University of Texas at El Paso, TX.