

Oluwatoyin Ajibola Asojo

Oluwatoyin Ajibola Asojo

CESSRST Faculty and Scientists

Chair and Associate Professor, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry

Dr. Asojo is a multidisciplinary scientist who is interested in closing silos in education. Her project relevant expertise include health-disparities, diseases of poverty, scientific communication, biochemistry, economics, and STEM education. Her main objective is to empower students interested in health, chemistry, economics, and health disparities to see atmospheric science applications in their lives. Hampton Professors working on the project with Dr. Asojo include Dr. Anderson, Dr. Tunde Adebola (Biology, GIS expert), and Dr. Dawana S. White (Chemistry and Biochemistry). 

NOAA Key Partners and Collaborators:

  • John Anderson

NOAA Mission Aligned Research Interests:

Social Sciences, Environmental Justice and Health Disparities. Studying environmental justice and inequities using high-spatial-resolution remote sensing measurements of air pollution. Participants in this project are assessing air pollution inequities across different population centers (Hampton Roads area and the USA) using high-spatial-resolution remote sensing measurements of chemicals such as NO2 that indicate air pollution. Students learn multiple software applications related to high-spatial-resolution remote sensing and learn GIS tools to observe how these air pollution data correlate to population data, i.e., demographic, socio-economic, or health-outcome data. The observational analysis will allow students interested in health, chemistry, economics, and health disparities to see atmospheric science applications in their lives.

Honors, Awards, and Grants:

  • U-01 at Hampton University, HU-CHEM: Deploying evidence-based interventions in Chemistry at Hampton University to plug leaks in the biomedical training pipeline 1U01GM138433 04/09/2020 – 31/08/2023 Role: Principal Investigator, Estimated total costs $1,125,000 
  • U-RISE at Hampton University, National Institute of General Medical Sciences 1T34GM136489 20/04/2020 – 31/03/2025 Role: Contact Principal Investigator on Multi PI grant (MPI Asojo, Njoki, Penn-Marshall) Total costs associated with the project: $1,554,390
  • NSF-MRI: Acquisition of a Single Crystal X-ray Diffractometer for Research and Education at an HBCU 2117763 08/01/2021 - 07/31/2024 Role: Principal Investigator (Co-PIs: Peter Njoki, Chemistry, K. Ghebreyesus, Chemistry, and R. Dua, Chemical Engineering), Total costs associated with the project: $349,989
  • Sloan Foundation- Building on the Hampton-Brandeis Partnership: A new pathway into STEM-intensive master’s programs (Awarded Oct 15th, 2021) Role: Co-PI (PI- Geddis) pilot grant ~$250K over 2-years This project allows us to develop collaborative multidisciplinary training programs with Brandeis University.

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CESSRST Consortium

CESSRST is led by The City University of New York and brings together Hampton University, VA; University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez, PR; San Diego State University, CA; University of Maryland Baltimore County, MD; University of Texas at El Paso, TX.