Dr. Tarendra Lakhankar Receives the Prestigious 2022 CCNY President’s S.T.A.R. Award
November 1, 2022
Alumni Students, Cohort III, Undergraduate
Cohort Level: Cohort - III
Career Goal: Immediately upon graduation I plan to either join any type of research or geotechnical lab or possibly an ecological observation network to obtain more personal knowledge on atmospheric science before ultimately returning to graduate school.
Expected Graduation Date: May 16, 2021
Degree: B.S Pre-geological science
Research Title: Carbon Dioxide and Methane Fluxes
Research Synopsis: From data collected from our Arctic, chaparral, and marine field sites I would like to see how the greenhouse gas concentrations and meteorological trends change over time.
From data collected from our Arctic, chaparral, and marine field sites I would like to see how the carbon dioxide and methane fluxes as well as the meteorological data changes over time.
November 1, 2022
March 23, 2022
February 15, 2022
December 6, 2021
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