Dr. Tarendra Lakhankar Receives the Prestigious 2022 CCNY President’s S.T.A.R. Award
November 1, 2022
Alumni Students, Cohort II, Undergraduate
Cohort Level: Cohort - II
Career Goal: I plan to pursue a Masters degree at UMBC, then either gain an industry position or pursue my PhD.
Expected Graduation Date: May 23, 2019
Degree: B.S Mechanical Engineering
Research Title: Nephelometer Implementation in Microphysical Retrievals of Aerosol Properties
Research Synopsis: As relative humidity (RH) increases, the size of aerosol particles can be influenced by hygroscopic growth. Particles that absorb more light and have a lower albedo contribute to planetary warming. Observations of changes in reflectivity and light scattering based on different RH levels and particle composition can provide insight into the cooling and warming effects of aerosols in the atmosphere.
November 1, 2022
March 23, 2022
February 15, 2022
December 6, 2021
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