Cohort Level: Cohort - III
Career Goal: My career goal is to work for a company that will helped me not only to do the job but to keep increasing my knowledge everyday.
Expected Graduation Date: December 31, 1969
Degree: M.E Electrical and Computer Engineering
Research Title: GOES-16 Level 2 Land Surface Temperatures - Filling for Cloud Masked Data
Research Synopsis: The GOES-16 satellite ground segment team develops different levels of environmental products and makes them readily available to the public. The level 2 Land Surface Temperature (LST) product aims to provide a remote measurement of the Earth’s surface temperature every hour. The product however, does not calculate values for pixels where the satellite imager’s view is obstructed by clouds, as determined by a cloud mask intermediate product. An analysis was conducted to fill in the masked pixels by relating LST to environmental variables such as elevation and land cover types as well as past temperature behavior. The study covers southern New Mexico, far west Texas, and northern Chihuahua, Mexico over the 2019 spring season.