

Elena Aguilar

Elena Aguilar
M.S, Watershed Science (Geography), Graduate

Cohort Level: Cohort - V

Career Goal: I want to work for an organization, company, or government agency that provides services in watershed management, enforces environmental protection through compliance, and/or mobilizes environmental justice causes through public outreach and advocacy.

Expected Graduation Date: May 22, 2023

Degree: M.S Watershed Science (Geography)

Research Title: Transboundary loads to coastal waters: Mixed methods for pollution assessment and control

Research Synopsis: According to the U.S. EPA Border 2025 Program, inadequate management of waste, sediment, and stormwater continues to be a pressing concern for the border region as it contributes directly to water pollution. Studying water quality at the intersection of border livelihoods and integrative watershed management is a reflection of this region's upcoming environmental protection goals. My research will engage in the ongoing monitoring of water quality in the Tijuana River, a binational waterway. This mixed methods approach will highlight ongoing challenges in pollution and deliver a solution-driven analysis with tailored recommendations of potential mitigation strategies.