

Anthony Bravo

Anthony Bravo
B.E, Computer Engineering, Undergraduate, 12/18/2020

Cohort Level: Cohort - III

Career Goal: After graduation I plan to go into graduate school where I would like to do to pursuit a masters in data science or gain industry experience.

Expected Graduation Date: December 18, 2020

Degree: B.E Computer Engineering

Research Title: CREST-Snow Field Experiment: Evaluating Various Meteorological Forcing Data on River Discharge by Using WRF-Hydro in Aroostook River Watershed

Research Synopsis: My research project focuses on using WRF Hydro to predict and analyze snow accumulation on different landscapes. We are trying to predict and model how much flooding will occur on different areas due to snow. In order to develop the best possible model we are using various meteorological forcing data such as GFS, HRRR, and NLDAS-2 to analyze its effect on the resulting river discharge rate.